Should you buy a used air purifier?
Many individuals opt for used air purifiers to cut costs, as the price of new ones can be steep. However, is purchasing a used air purifier a wise decision? What factors should one consider before making a choice? Should you buy a used air purifier?
When purchasing a used air purifier in Pakistan, it is crucial to pay attention to the filter. It is never recommended to use a filter that has previously been used, even if it appears to be slightly used or still effective. The reason for this is that a HEPA filter captures various harmful elements such as viruses, bacteria, molds, fungi, and pet dander from the air in the room. Even the coronavirus can be trapped by a HEPA filter. If you buy a used air purifier with an old filter, you are essentially bringing all the viruses and bacteria from the previous user into your home. Although the viruses are trapped in the filter, while removing it to clean the inside of the purifier, some of these bacteria and viruses can become airborne and infect you or anyone handling the used filter. Therefore, it is important to wear a mask and gloves before discarding anyone's used filter and wash your hands after throwing it away. I once caught a bad flu from handling a used filter from someone else, so please be careful.
If you are purchasing a secondhand and used air purifier, be sure to install a new filter and pre-filter before using it. Using the old filter can lead to various health issues, so it's important to take this precaution.
When purchasing an older model of an air purifier, it's important to consider the availability and cost of a replacement HEPA filter for that particular model. In many cases, replacement filters are not readily available in Pakistan, which is why people end up selling their air purifiers in the first place. It wouldn't be a wise investment to purchase something that will become useless after just three months due to the unavailability of filters. However, if the new filters are readily available and affordable, and the purifier is in good working condition with good air throw, then it is safe to go ahead and make the purchase.