An Air Purifier is a must-have for newborns and young children in Lahore

Lahore and most other cities in Pakistan have a very high level of pollution which has serious health effects, especially on newborn babies and young children. Here we are sharing some research on how pollution affects the health of the baby and how it can lead to severe problems later on in life. The cost of running an air purifier (especially a Zebsol air purifier) is meager compared to the health benefits for the child.

There have been many studies that have linked air pollution to the health of a new born baby. Air pollution starts effecting the health of the baby even during pregnancy. Studies have shown that mothers exposed to high levels of pollution are much more likely to give birth to children with low birth weight or have a pre-mature delivery with all the complications of premature birth. Since pollution, especially PM2.5 is equivalent to smoking, mothers exposed to pollution have the same pregnancy risks as regular smokers.

It has been shown that such infants who are exposed to high levels of pollution are much more likely to develop asthma, lung diseases, upper respiratory tract infections, and even lung cancer.

"The researchers found that when compared with babies living in the least polluted areas, the risk for death was 24% to 43% higher for infants, 21% to 38% higher for neonates, and 32% to 54% higher for babies aged 1 to 12 months living in the most polluted areas.

Air pollution last year caused the premature death of nearly half a million babies in their first month of life, with most of the infants being in the developing world, data shows.

It is highly recommended that if you are expecting a baby, or just had one, it would be wise to invest in an air purifier for the long-term health of your child, and an Air Purifier is a must-have for newborns and young children in Lahore.

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