August 2023

ZebSol Blog
Add 4 years to your life by using an air purifier in Pakistan

Recent research has revealed that air pollution has caused a significant decrease in the average life expectancy of people in Pakistan. The study indicates that the reduction in life expectancy is almost 5 years for the entire country, while it is almost 9 years for the highly polluted cities like Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad. Even […]

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ZebSol Blog
Ionizers in Air purifiers are a health hazard

Many low-cost air purifiers on the market advertise an air ionizer or ozone generator as an additional means of air purification. While it is true that ionizers can decrease the amount of airborne pollutants, it is not necessary if the air purifier already has a HEPA filter. HEPA filters are highly effective, with a 99% […]

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ZebSol Blog
How you can make a DIY Home Air Purifier in Pakistan

Air purifiers can be expensive and many people in Pakistan may find them unaffordable. However, for cities like Lahore, Karachi, Faisalabad, and even Islamabad during the pollen season, having an air purifier is essential. To help with this, we have a DIY air purifier solution that you can create using a water cooler if you […]

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ZebSol Blog
User video for Zebsol air purifier

Please watch the video if you have recently purchased a zebsol air purifier or planning to buy one

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ZebSol Blog
5 best Air purifiers in Pakistan

Air purifiers have become a necessity in Pakistan, especially in highly polluted cities like Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad. However, as a relatively new consumer electronic, many people lack a good understanding of their utility and how to select the right one. When choosing an air purifier, the most important factor to consider is its Clean […]

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ZebSol Blog
Should you buy a used air purifier?

Many individuals opt for used air purifiers to cut costs, as the price of new ones can be steep. However, is purchasing a used air purifier a wise decision? What factors should one consider before making a choice? Should you buy a used air purifier? When purchasing a used air purifier in Pakistan, it is […]

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