About ZebSol

ZEBSOL is a research based company that manufactures and sells air purifiers in Pakistan. It is based in Lahore and has been established by Jehanzeb Ahmad, an Electrical Engineer by profession with more than 25 years of Industry and academic experience. ZEBSOL has developed air purifiers specifically for the Pakistani market which are designed for the high levels of pollution in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Multan and other cities of Punjab and KPK. The air purifiers being sold by Zebsol are highly reliable, consume low power, have a cheap replacement HEPA filter and come with a one year warranty. The mission of ZEBSOL is not to profit but to provide relief to people suffering from asthma, pollen allergies, breathing problems, COPD, and other disorders. It is a must have for old and very young people. In order to reduce costs and provide cheap air purifiers, Zebsol sells directly to customers without a dealer or middlemen. This keeps the costs low and our customers get a product that is one third the price of an imported air purifier with better quality and reliability.
If you are interested in buying an air purifier you can contact on Whatsapp at 03008544099. Current price of the Zebsol air purifier is Rs 27,000/- . Delivery on advance payment is available all over Pakistan.
About Jehanzeb Ahmad
Jehanzeb Ahmad has an MS in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University, USA, and a BS in Electrical Engineering from UET Lahore. After completing his MS from the USA with a specialization in Micro Chip designing he worked as a chip designer at Intel Corp, Silicon Valley, California on the Intel Microprocessors. After returning to Pakistan he worked as General Manager (Technical) at NESCOM on various projects of strategic importance. Later he joined the academia and served as Head of the Electrical Engineering department at Bahria University, Islamabad Campus. He was awarded the "best university teacher of Pakistan" by HEC in 2008. He has numerous awards from Intel for his design contributions. He has more than 12 international research publications including impact factor journals. He has presented his research at international conferences in Italy, Spain, Turkey, Thailand, and Pakistan. In addition, he has worked as a hardware engineer for IBM and a telecom engineer for Alcatel. He also served as a consultant for the chip design industry in Malaysia. Before starting ZEBSOL he was working as Senior Associate Professor in the Computer Science department of Bahria University, Lahore. After leaving academics he founded ZEBSOL to use his knowledge and experience to develop products especially for Pakistan.
You can also visit his Linkedin Profile.

- Ahmad, Jehanzeb, M. Najam Ul Islam, and Jawwad Sabir. "Performance evaluation and design considerations for a split air-conditioner with built-in thermal energy storage." Building Services Engineering Research and Technology (2018): 0143624418818228. (Impact factor 1.1)
- Waqar, A.; Shahbaz Tanveer, M.; Ahmad, J.; Aamir, M.; Yaqoob, M.; Anwar, F. Multi-Objective Analysis of a CHP Plant Integrated Microgrid in Pakistan. Energies 2017, 10, 1625.(Impact Factor 2.262, ISSN: 1996-1073)"
- Waqar, Asad, Zeeshan Khurshid, Jehanzeb Ahmad, Muhammad Aamir, Muneeb Yaqoob, and Imtiaz Alam. "Modeling and simulation of phasor measurement unit (PMU) for early fault detection in interconnected two-area network." In 2018 1st International Conference on Power, Energy and Smart Grid (ICPESG), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2018.
- Jehanzeb Ahmad, Najam Ul Islam, Salman Ahmed “Distributed power generation estimation using consensus algorithm” 2017 2nd International Conference on Green Energy Technology (ICGET 2017), July 18-20, Rome, Italy.
- Jehanzeb Ahmad, Bilal Awan, “Design and study of a GSM based smart energy meter to reduce load shedding in Pakistan”, 8th international conference on challenges in IT and Engineering, Thailand, 2014
- Jehanzeb Ahmad, Bilal Awan and et al, “A study of power output increase of PV panels by using plane mirrors during winter months”, 2nd International 100% renewable energy conference and exhibition (IRENEC 2012), June 28th – 30th 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Jehanzeb Ahmad, Bilal Awan “A solar alternative to thermal generation for the energy crises in Pakistan”, International 100% renewable energy conference and exhibition (IRENEC 2011), October 6th -8th 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Murtaza Naveed, Abid Ali Minhas, Jehanzeb Ahmad, “A Novel Security Algorithm for Universal Mobile Telecommunication System”, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (IJMUE) Vol.5, No.1, January 2010, (Publisher SERSC), Pages: 1-18, ISSN: 1975-0080, Korea. [http://www.sersc.org/journals/IJMUE/, http://www.sersc.org/journals/IJMUE/vol5_no1_2010.php]
- Murtaza Naveed, Abid Ali Minhas, Jehanzeb Ahmad, “Improved Authentication Algorithm For UMTS”, ACM International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT 2009), August 27th-29th, 2009, Daejeon, Korea.
- Arsalan Qamar, Jehanzeb Ahmad, “Retina Based Mouse Control (RBMC)”, International Journal of Electronics, Circuits and Systems (IJECS07), WASET, Volume 1, pp: 218-222, ISSN 1307-4156, Italy
- Jehanzeb Ahmad “PC hardware manufacturing; Scope and limitations”, First MOIT conference on hardware manufacturing, Islamabad, Pakistan, April 2002.